Sunday, 27 October 2013


This year will be the first (hopefully of many) years that I will be taking part in Nanowrimo which stands for 'National November Writing Month', meaning that I will be attempting to write a novel of 50,000 words throughout the month of November. Being a challenge that I have never yet under undertook, I am slightly nervous that I'm going to mess up and write a typical teen try-too-hard novella (inevitable). Therefore, I have signed up to a few forums and the official Nanowrimo website, as I feel like I will need all of the support I can get. 

I have vague ideas for my story so far, but they are not exactly solid, so I am hoping for an enlightenment or a good dream (often where I get most story ideas) to help me along a tad. It doesn't help either that all of two people I know are writing this year. I guess every little bit of moral support counts though. 

If you have stumbled upon this page merely by coincidence or are a regular follower (less likely), please drop me a tweet (@rainbowtonic) or an email ( if you are doing Nanowrimo (every little helps, as tesco would say) and we can chit chat. Whatta lot lotta brackets. I am planning to update my progress on this blog throughout the month, but if I forget or bail, it will undoubtedly be on my Nanowrimo profile (meglovestea) if you want to friend me. Wish me luck; I start on Thursday! 


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